Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Etiquette of Barber Break-Ups

Nathan was my barber, oops, I'm mean "hairstylist", for 15 years. No, this is not an obituary. Nathan is alive and well. It's just that I don't see him anymore.

Nathan always did a good job and the conversations were plenty interesting. Nathan's shop is in the heart of downtown. This means that he cuts the hair of many professionals and businessmen.

When I started playing more gigs a few years back, my Nathan-esque haircut started looking out of sync with my performing self. It had a slightly comb-overish quality. This really bothered my wife, a person who used to do hair in a fashionable salon on the Oregon coast. And I can't say I blame her. In fact, I greatly appreciate her concern for my appearance.

Once I agreed to let my wife cut my hair, that was it for Nathan. But the thing is, he's a guy I like, respect and admire. And I never took the time to discuss this change with him. Once I bumped into his hair-cutting partner Mac and explained the situation to him. He said they figured something like that happened. But that's not the same as me telling Nathan.

Why am I writing about this? My sensitive side is telling me that I owe Nathan the courtesy of a face-to-face explanation. What is the etiquette of barber break-ups anyway? Does it depend on the nature of the relationship? Or the length? Or the reason for making a switch?

I'm thinking I'm overdue to drop-in on Nathan and tell him what I great guy I think he is. To tell him that my wife now, more or less, insists on cutting my hair and pointing out that the avoidance of domestic strife is a smart man's top priority. And I know he would understand. I feel like a little bit of a jerk for not doing this a long time ago.

But the thing is, if I just drop in on him, he'll probably be cutting someone's hair when my mea culpa moment arrives. That seems awkward. Calling him on the phone is too impersonal. Hmmm.

Yes, there are bigger problems in the world but right now, I want to set things right with Nathan, my old barber friend.

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